Tuesday, November 20, 2007

...Check Points 1 n 2...

Check point 1- The culture industry is the rise of media industries on society. The rise of culture industry increased standardisation within society. It says that society controls almost everything that includes culture too. The mass audience is manipulated by society (the hegemony of the bourgeoisie class) and which are less able to criticise what they have been shown because it has been commodified to fit the capitalist system.

Check point 2- Desensitised is a term given by the Critics, it is when a single text does not have much effect, repeated exposure will make the auidence less sensitive. So old banned movies are broadcasted years later as the social attitudes and expectations change over time, so we except what is shown in the film. This makes the theorists realise why they banned the movie in the first place, as they are thinking/reacting differently to when the movie first tried to broadcast.

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